Food Safety tips to keep your loved ones from corona virus infection


Food Safety Tips again Corona Virus Infection
Food Safety tips to keep your loved ones from corona virus infection

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has hit several sectors, the food industry being one of them. Restaurants like many other businesses remained closed world over as almost every country observed the lockdown. When they did open up, it was mostly for takeouts only offering to “safe serve”. Food safety has been a great concern during these times given the number of food joints that cater to different people has multiplied in scores world over. Food and safety also go hand in hand because eating cautiously prepared food ensures greater immunity. “Immunity” being the buzzword here, because it has been proven that only those people who had a higher immunity were successful in beating this virus.
Corona virus is a new virus and new information is being updated every day. However, let us look at some of the basic food safety measures that one can adapt to keep this virus away from our homes and lives.

The corona virus transmits through touch and as studies show it remains active on various surfaces for different amounts of time. The first precaution that one can take while preparing food is to properly wash the hands with soap and water at least for 20 seconds. This ensures the virus even if it has come in contact with your skin, will be eradicated through the washing of the hands.

Corona is an air borne disease as well and spreads through aerosols and germs through one’s breath. To reduce the transmission of the virus through air, always practice social distancing of about 6 feet (2 meters) with others. Wearing a mask has proved highly beneficial in controlling the spread of this deadly virus. While cooking and handling food, it is best if one continues to wear the mask. Basic hygiene should be practised and the care exerted in keeping surfaces, foods, raw fruits and vegetables clean must be intensified to a great degree.

It is extremely important to keep reminding oneself, especially if they are cooking large meals, to not touch their face and then various surfaces as this is how the virus spreads. Every time the cook touches any other surface or objects, it is important to wash hands and maintain hygiene.

Now that the lockdown restrictions are easing and businesses are opening up, chances are people will start picking up their lives where they left off. This means those who were looking forward to celebrate their sweet 16s or retirements, or birthdays and anniversaries or marriages can start planning their events again. Keeping in mind the above precautions, one must also take great care in hiring external parties to host these events for them. If you are looking for a reliable Indian catering service in London, look no further than Bharat Gangaram caterers. Bharat Gangaram caters are well renowned all over the UK for their authentic food and true to home Indian taste. They are also experts in providing safe service when it comes to your food and they ensure food sanitisation is a priority for all of their staff members. Delivering incredible food to your loved ones, at the same time making sure food safety is not compromised has always been on their list of priority, now more than ever.
